Bushra Bibi, the wife of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, was released from jail on Thursday. She had been arrested alongside Khan in connection with the Toshakhana corruption case. While Khan remains in custody, Bushra was released after nine months. Her release was ordered by Islamabad High Court Judge Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb, who granted her bail for a surety bond of Rs 1 million.
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Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party confirmed the news in a WhatsApp message, stating: “Bushra Bibi, the former First Lady, has been released from prison.” The message also mentioned that she was arrested on January 31 after both she and Khan were convicted and sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption.
In the Toshakhana case, Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi were accused of profiting from the sale of gifts received from foreign dignitaries. During the bail hearing, Justice Aurangzeb questioned the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) about the necessity for further interrogation of Bushra, to which the FIA responded that no additional investigation was needed. Bushra’s release is a source of relief for both the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party and Khan, who has consistently asserted that his wife had no involvement in the case.
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