A violent incident unfolded in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, where Ricky Shannon, 22, opened fire in an apartment, killing three people and wounding three others. The attack stemmed from a domestic dispute, police revealed.

Suspect Flees, Leading Police on High-Speed Chase

After the shooting, Shannon fled the scene with a 19-year-old woman in his truck. He was pursued by state troopers on a 40-mile chase spanning two counties. The pursuit ended in a gunfire exchange, during which Shannon was fatally shot.

Victims and Investigation

The 19-year-old woman in Shannon’s vehicle was found dead. Authorities are investigating whether she was killed in the apartment or during the chase. Earlier, Shannon shot four of her family members at the Mount Joy apartment, killing one.

Domestic Dispute at the Core

The incident followed escalating tensions between Shannon and the 19-year-old, who had both filed protection-from-abuse orders against each other earlier that week. Police reported that Shannon drove over 150 miles from Altoona to confront the family.

Ongoing Investigation

Authorities are piecing together the timeline to determine the exact circumstances of the shootings. “It appears there was some premeditation, and the events unfolded rapidly,” said Lt. Col. George Bivens of the Pennsylvania State Police.