A devastating helicopter crash in Mugla, southwestern Turkey, claimed the lives of four individuals, including two pilots, a doctor, and a hospital employee. The crash occurred on Sunday when the medical helicopter struck the fourth floor of a hospital during take-off and then plummeted to the ground.

Mugla provincial governor Idris Akbiyik attributed the accident to intense fog, which significantly reduced visibility.

Poor Visibility Likely Cause

The helicopter was departing from the roof of Mugla’s hospital, en route to Antalya, when it lost control shortly after take-off.

  • Visibility Issues: Thick fog engulfed the area at the time of the crash, severely hindering navigation.
  • Crash Site: After colliding with the hospital, the helicopter drifted and ultimately crashed into an empty field nearby.

Authorities have launched an investigation to determine if other factors contributed to the incident.

Victims of the Crash

The accident resulted in the tragic deaths of:

  1. Two pilots, responsible for the helicopter’s operation.
  2. A doctor, part of the medical transport team.
  3. A hospital employee, onboard during the take-off.

Governor Akbiyik extended his condolences to the families of the victims.

Recent Helicopter Crashes in Turkey

This incident is the second helicopter-related tragedy in Turkey within two weeks.

  • Army Training Accident: On December 10, six soldiers died when two military helicopters collided during a training exercise in Isparta province.
  • Ongoing Concerns: The causes of these accidents highlight the need for improved safety measures and training in challenging weather conditions.


The helicopter crash in Mugla underscores the dangers of operating in poor visibility and the importance of stringent safety protocols. While investigations are underway, this tragedy has brought immense grief to the local community and raises concerns about aviation safety in Turkey.