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UN Members Applaud Global Reach Of Yoga On 10th International Yoga Day

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres celebrated the worldwide popularity of yoga on the 10th International Yoga Day on June 21. He praised yoga for its values of balance, mindfulness, and peace, and also encouraged people to use these principles to build a more peaceful future. The UN designated June 21 as International Yoga Day in […]

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres celebrated the worldwide popularity of yoga on the 10th International Yoga Day on June 21. He praised yoga for its values of balance, mindfulness, and peace, and also encouraged people to use these principles to build a more peaceful future.

The UN designated June 21 as International Yoga Day in December 2014, following India’s proposal, which was supported by 175 member states. This day highlights yoga’s universal fascination and its benefits for healing, inner peace, and overall well-being. Since then, its popularity has grown manifold. Last Year, a Guinness World Record was set for the most nationalities practicing yoga together, with 135 countries participating.

This year’s theme, “Yoga for Self and Society,” denoted how yoga improves both personal well-being and the community. Guterres’ message, shared through India’s Permanent Mission to the UN, praised yoga for bringing together people from different cultures and religions.

On Friday, the Permanent Mission of India celebrated Yoga Day at the UN Headquarters’ North Lawn Area. The event captured UN envoys, officials, members of the Indian diaspora, and yoga enthusiasts. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed welcomed everyone, emphasizing yoga’s power to connect mind, body, and spirit, and its ability to unite people worldwide, beyond cultural and national differences.

Dennis Francis, President of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, shared similar views in a virtual message. He praised yoga’s deep roots in Indian culture and its spread worldwide. Francis stressed on yoga’s benefits, such as contentment, physical strength, mental resilience, empathy, compassion, and inner peace, which match the UN’s values of peace, justice, and human dignity. He encouraged adopting yoga’s teachings to guide our efforts for a better future.

Ambassador R. Ravindra, Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the UN, highlighted yoga’s worldwide acceptance since 2014, recognizing it as a symbol of health, well-being, and peace. The event included a performance by the UN Chamber Music Society and sessions of meditation and yoga led by experts, showcasing yoga’s global influence and lasting importance.
