A recent stand-up comedy show featuring Vikas Kush Sharma has gone viral, capturing the internet’s attention with a humorous exchange between the comedian and an audience member. The video, titled “Uncle Ki Girlfriend,” shows Sharma playfully questioning a middle-aged man about his past relationships. When the man claims to have had many girlfriends but never married any, Sharma delivers a witty retort: “Use girlfriend nahi kehte sir (they are not called girlfriends, sir).”
Audience and Wife’s Reaction:
The crowd erupted in laughter, but it was the reaction of the man’s wife sitting beside him that added an extra layer of humor. Her uncontrollable laughter as she witnessed the banter has become a highlight of the video, which has amassed over one lakh views on Instagram. The comedic timing and Sharma’s interaction with the audience have garnered widespread praise.
About Vikas Kush Sharma:
Vikas Kush Sharma, a stand-up comedian with over 1.5 lakh Instagram followers, is known for his quick wit and engaging crowd work. His popular video “Didi Kaise Bola” has received millions of views. Sharma’s upcoming India tour promises to bring his signature humor to cities across the country, starting from Gurugram on August 1 and concluding in Hyderabad on October 6. Tickets are available on Book My Show, where he is described as “the comedic maestro and the crowd whisperer.”
Catch the Viral Video:
Don’t miss out on this hilarious moment! Watch the viral video of Vikas Kush Sharma’s stand-up performance and see why his comedy is taking the internet by storm.
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