On his first day in office, President-elect Donald Trump plans to revoke the security clearances of 51 intelligence officials. These officials had claimed that reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 election had “classic earmarks” of Russian disinformation. This move is part of a series of executive orders Trump intends to sign once in office, according to Fox News.

Background of the Laptop Controversy

Hunter Biden‘s laptop, left at a Delaware computer shop, became the center of controversy during the 2020 election. The New York Post reported that the laptop contained emails suggesting Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm, where Hunter served on the board.

Initially, many intelligence officials doubted the authenticity of the laptop’s contents. They argued it might be part of a Russian disinformation campaign, though they provided no new evidence. Eventually, federal authorities confirmed the laptop was real.

Reactions to the Reporting

The story was briefly censored on social media, but federal investigators later verified the laptop’s authenticity. The FBI had confirmed its validity as early as November 2019. The contents were also used in Hunter Biden’s gun trial, which took place later.

Despite this, some former intelligence officials who had signed a letter questioning the laptop’s authenticity stuck to their claims. Others chose not to comment. A lawyer representing several signatories defended the letter, stating it was simply a warning about foreign interference.

The Lawyer’s Statement

Mark S. Zaid, the lawyer, emphasized that the letter was a reminder about foreign governments, including Russia, attempting to interfere in U.S. affairs. “It served as nothing more than a warning letter of what we have known for decades,” he said. “Every patriotic American should have signed that letter.”

Trump’s Executive Orders

Trump is expected to sign over 200 executive orders after his inauguration. These orders will include actions on intelligence and other key areas. However, Trump’s spokesperson did not respond to an inquiry about the specifics of the orders.