The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Monday officially confirmed the election of Devajit Saikia as its new secretary and Prabhtej Singh Bhatia as the new treasurer. Saikia, who steps into the role previously held by Jay Shah, takes over the position after Shah’s departure to become the chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC) last year. Bhatia replaces Ashish Shelar, who held the position of treasurer before this change.
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Mr. Devajit Saikia & Mr. Prabhtej Singh Bhatia elected as Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of BCCI.
All The Details 🔽 @lonsaikia | @prabhtejb
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 13, 2025
These key appointments were made official following a by-election conducted during the BCCI’s Special General Meeting held in Mumbai on Sunday.
Leadership Transition at BCCI
BCCI President Roger Binny expressed his congratulations to Saikia and Bhatia, emphasizing their roles in continuing the strong legacy set by their predecessors. Binny praised the pair’s exceptional track record and their ability to lead Indian cricket into a new era of governance and financial management.
“I extend my warmest congratulations to Mr. Devajit Saikia and Mr. Prabhtej Singh Bhatia on their appointments as Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, respectively,” said Binny in a statement. “They are stepping into the distinguished roles left by Mr. Jay Shah and Mr. Ashish Shelar, whose contributions set the standard for excellence in cricket administration. Their vast experience and leadership qualities will undoubtedly help BCCI reach new milestones.”
Binny also thanked the state associations for their unanimous support in the by-election, underlining the unity within the organization and the shared vision for the growth of Indian cricket.
Exciting New Phase for BCCI’s Administration
BCCI Vice President Rajeev Shukla also lauded the appointments, calling Saikia and Bhatia the ideal candidates given their track records in cricket administration. He highlighted their professionalism and expertise, stressing the importance of continuity in the leadership roles.
“The appointments of Mr. Devajit Saikia and Mr. Prabhtej Singh Bhatia mark an exciting new chapter for BCCI’s administrative framework,” Shukla stated. “Both have a proven track record in cricket administration and bring immense professional expertise to the table. The overwhelming endorsement from our State Associations reflects our collective commitment to taking the game to even greater heights.”
Shukla further emphasized BCCI’s ongoing efforts to enhance cricket infrastructure across the country and create more opportunities for players and fans to engage with the sport.