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When we work on ourselves to become better individuals, it helps to check our progress from time to time and find out our speed of self-improvement. How far are we from our goals? Are we moving fast enough? To what extent have we finished our weaknesses and defects? And have our attitudes, beliefs, and ways […]

When we work on ourselves to become better individuals, it helps to check our progress from time to time and find out our speed of self-improvement. How far are we from our goals? Are we moving fast enough?

To what extent have we finished our weaknesses and defects? And have our attitudes, beliefs, and ways of thinking changed in accordance with our goals? We can develop a new perspective only to the extent that we change our old thought patterns.

When we keep a high aim in mind, we are not influenced by the weaknesses of others even though we can see them clearly. At the same time, we are often able to inspire change in them by the example of our conduct.

But are we doing this? Do we have benevolent feelings for all, including those who do corrupt or wicked things, or do we harbour feelings of dislike for them? Do we understand and feel compassion for them or do we despise them? On top of that, do we point out their defects to others in order to justify our ill feelings? In addition, do we wish to serve all our fellow humans or are we concerned only about those we know or those from our city or country?

Is our attitude so pure that our presence changes the atmosphere of a place? Purity, in fact, constitutes the power of our attitude, and the basis of purity is the awareness that we are souls, children of the Supreme Soul, and everyone else in the world is also a child of God, and thereby our brother.

Nowadays people accept and believe only that which they can see or experience; merely telling them about something does not convince them. If we claim to be helping others, but cannot stop our own waste thoughts, and are always crestfallen because of failing to achieve our goals, what impact will we have on others? We can only really help others if they can see, from our behaviour, that there is a better way to live.

Most people think that self-improvement is a difficult task and making the world a better place for everyone is well-nigh impossible. Consequently, there is a great deal of disheartenment. They will gain courage and strength when they see a sample of self-transformation. Becoming that sample is the best way to serve the world.

B.K. Mruthyunjaya is Executive Secretary of the Brahma Kumaris.

