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Sunak’s chance to better India-UK ties

The kind of goodwill Rishi Sunak has in India may translate into a windfall of an opportunity for the UK.

But for the distasteful comment by Asaduddin Owaisi after elevation of Rishi Sunak as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, most Indians have been euphoric with this historic achievement. For the British, this is the best example of inter-racial, inter-religious bonhomie for a country that has been struggling with adjustments of immigrants with the local population. For Indians, this is cultural India shining in the UK as triumph of liberal democracy. Why is Owaisi perturbed then? Chief of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), said that the way Sunak became the Prime Minister despite coming from the minority community there, he would wait for the day to see a hijab clad woman as Prime Minister of India. Ridiculous to say that a woman from minority Muslim community in India is identified as hijab clad. This is Owaisi’s regressive mindset that wants to see all Muslim women as hijab clad. Comparison with Sunak’s elevation is bizarre.
One had not imagined 75 years back that the United Kingdom would have an Asian, that too a Hindu of Indian origin, as its Prime Minister. This is an issue of pride for India as it should be for the United Kingdom. The UK has demonstrated that it has learnt from its mistakes and is keen to assimilate people from different races and culture. Or, how could the British who made fun of Hindus for cow and idol worship accept a person worshipping cow and Lord Ganesha as its Prime Minister. This definitely shows that the new generation of British have come past the sins of their forefathers and have become more assimilative.
You need not be a Christian to lead the country that is predominantly Christian. You can swear by the Bhagawat Geeta, by the Bible and by the Koran. Your religious orientation does not disqualify you from leading the country. In that sense it is a big achievement. People like Owaisi should know and he knows for sure that Sunak’s elevation is not because he belongs to a religious minority. In a country looking for solutions to its present economic mess, Sunak symbolises hope. With his educational background, experience and political acumen, he is expected to steer the country to better position.
The statement from Owaisi represents his Islamist mindset and sheer misunderstanding about a country that has given him so much. India has had three Presidents from the Muslim community—Zakir Hussain (1967-69), Mohammad Hidayatullah (1969 and again in 1982), Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad (1974-77) and APJ Abdul Kalam. Giani Zail Singh (1982-87) being a Sikh also came from the minority community. Dr Manmohan Singh who was India’s Prime Minister from 2004-2014 came from minority Sikh community.
Such issues, therefore, do not exist for a country like India which witnessed cultural assimilation and adjustments long time back. Your religious identity does not come in the way of donning the top post. And in democratic polity either you win trust of people and get elected or enjoy trust of elected people to get elevated. A hijab clad lady can become the Prime Minister but she will have to win trust of people for what she represents.
Sunak’s elevation is significant since it has punctured the impression that only a Christian could become the Prime Minister. All you need to be is to be a British and have the guts to stand for elections and win. Your faith or origin or the faith or origin of our spouse does not come in the way.
In 2020, Sunak had clarified to doubting Thomases about his loyalty since he had not renounced his faith and publicly asserted his religious-cultural identity. He said: “I am thoroughly British, this is my home and my country, but my cultural heritage is Indian”. He wears his faith up his sleeves and is not shy of his traditional moorings.
This is in sharp contrast to those Indians who try to become more British than the British when they are in the UK. Some even get converted to the faith of the majority and ridicule their own cultural roots to increase their acceptability in the host country. It is in that sense that Sunak must be given full compliments for being what he is.
The other aspect to his elevation which is not spoken in politically correct circle but celebrated in private circle is his Sanatan roots. The Sanatan culture with its liberal acceptance of faiths of others is finding acceptance as a ray of hope where religious conflict is driving actions the world over. It is Sunak’s Sanatan moorings that increases his acceptance. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (the whole world in one family) guides the philosophical orientation of its real followers.
Sanatan is a cultural and not political identity. The followers would be happy that Sunak has shown that he is a real representative of this great cultural tradition. Nothing more is expected from the Hindu point of view. He should do justice without favour and spread righteousness and dharma. One is aware of the limitations under which Sunak would work. None expects that he would do anything that would compromise the interest of his country. This would be something going against the Sanatan tradition. An average Indian is realistic in terms of expectations.
However, the UK has got the best of opportunities in Sunak’s elevation. The British are good at doing business but bad at lecturing others. If they focus on the first they would well understand that India is a sea of opportunity where other economies are witnessing shake ups and China is proving to be dangerous to world economy.
There are many big business giants ready to move out of China because they don’t see long-term hope there. India with a huge technical manpower, expanding infrastructure, a sizeable middle-class, and a system that can be trusted to deliver, offers a golden opportunity. My close interaction with British bureaucrats of the foreign office gave me the impression that while the US may be the super power in terms of economy and military light, the British control their minds. They always look for approval by the British. If this is true, an economic sync between the US, the UK and India is bound to happen for the betterment of all.
There was a time when Indian wealth fed the British Empire. The same is possible now through legal trade and businesses. Despite the atrocities committed by the Empire during colonial days, the British have tremendous goodwill in India. It should not be spoilt because the UK fears getting flooded by Indians who love London and other beautiful English towns. Indians who go to the UK contribute to the host economy. Either as a tourist, or a worker or an entrepreneur. They do not create disturbance in the host society or demand special favours. They do not become a burden on the system. And instead of saying that Indians overstay, the administration should find ways to send them back. India has never favoured illegal migration for anyone. Free movement of trade has got no value unless there is free movement of people. Liberal Visa regime would facilitate this process. A delay in doing this may mean a lost opportunity. The kind of goodwill Sunak has in India may translate into a windfall of an opportunity for the UK.

