West Bengal CM Mamata announced plans to call a State Assembly session next week to pass a bill mandating capital punishment for rapists. This move follows criticism of the CBI’s investigation into the rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. Banerjee condemned the delay in justice, stating she met the victim’s parents and criticized the CBI for hindering progress.
60% believe mandatory death penalty for rape will deter criminals.
Here is the survey:
Q-1. The government is making the death penalty mandatory in cases of rape. What is your opinion?
Q-2. What will be the impact of making the death penalty mandatory in rape cases?
Q-3. What punishment do you want in rape cases?
Q-4. Today, fires have broken out in Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Delhi as well. What do you think is the reason for these incidents?
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