In response to a violent mob attack on a police station in Madhya Pradesh’s Chhatarpur district, which injured police personnel and a journalist, local authorities took swift action. The administration bulldozed the luxurious home of Haji Shahzad Ali, a key figure in the unrest, on Thursday. This move followed Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav’s directive for a firm response against the violence. The house, built without permission on prime land in Chhatarpur, was demolished just hours after the Chief Minister’s instructions, highlighting the administration’s commitment to addressing the violence and deterring further unrest.
80% surveyed support the bulldozer action taken in Chhatarpur following the riots.
Here is the survey:
Q-1. What is your opinion on the bulldozer action after the riots in Chhatarpur?
Q-2. After the riots in Chhatarpur, Samuday Vishesh’s Baba Bagheswar said that the bulldozer action was necessary to remove the roofs and houses. What is your opinion?
Q-3. Did Imran Pratapgarhi oppose the bulldozer action in Chhatarpur, claiming it was targeted against a specific religion and was an act of revenge? What is your opinion?
Q-4. What do you think is the reason for the increasing popularity of the bulldozer action model in Chhatarpur?
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