India celebrated its 78th Independence Day on Thursday, marking freedom from British rule. The nation saw Tricolours hoisted at dawn on August 15, 2024, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading the ceremony at Red Fort, New Delhi.

In his 11th address from the Red Fort, PM Modi outlined achievements and a roadmap for a ‘Viksit Bharat’ by 2047. He emphasized the BJP’s vision for a Uniform Civil Code, presenting it as a “secular civil code” that ensures equality before the law, in line with the Constitution.
Security was heightened nationwide, with over 10,000 police officers, facial recognition cameras, and snipers deployed in Delhi. Additionally, security camps were established in
13 villages in Chhattisgarh’s Maoist-affected Bastar region, where the Tricolour was hoisted for the first time to mark the occasion.

35% of those surveyed believe that Bhagat Singh is a role model among the prominent leaders of the freedom struggle

Here’s the survey:

Q-1 In 77 years of independence, who do you consider the most capable Prime Minister?

Q-2 Among the prominent leaders of the freedom struggle, who is your role model?

Q-3 In 77 years of independence, what do you consider the biggest challenge for India?

Q-4 For the rapid development of India, which of these do you consider the biggest obstacle?

Q-5 In the progress of independent India, which superpower has contributed the most to India?

Q-6 In independent India, what do you consider the biggest step towards rapid transportation?

Q-7 In 77 years of independence, what do you consider the biggest step taken by the government?

Q-8 What do you consider the biggest step in India’s progress since independence?