In a big legal showdown, the Supreme Court took on Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurveda, slamming them for what the court called “misleading” ads. The court laid down the law: either stop spreading false info or pay a massive Rs 1 Crore fine for each product making untrue claims about curing diseases.
The whole drama started with the Indian Medical Association (IMA) filing petitions, accusing Patanjali of spreading false details about COVID-19 vaccines and fueling vaccine hesitancy. The court didn’t just stop at scolding Patanjali; it called in the Union Government, demanding solutions. The court meant business, considering hefty fines for every violation.
Baba Ramdev wasn’t one to step back quietly. He joined the public conversation, saying he was under attack by a “medical mafia.” He strongly denied pushing Patanjali products with false claims and accused a group of doctors of spreading constant lies about yoga and Ayurveda.
Staying strong, Baba Ramdev defended Ayurveda, saying it carried the wisdom of sages through generations. He took on allopathy, saying money couldn’t decide the truth. In the midst of these accusations, he even said he’d accept severe penalties, even the death penalty, if proven wrong.
This courtroom clash painted Baba Ramdev as a defender of traditional medicine, challenging not just the legal system but also modern medical practices. As the courtroom drama played out, the whole country eagerly waited to see what would happen next in this tale of traditional remedies versus modern medicine. The echoes of this clash left everyone thinking about the future of healthcare in India.

Q-1 Supreme Court reprimanded Swami Ramdev for misleading propaganda. What is your opinion?
A- Supreme Court did the right thing: 43.73%
B- Swami Ramdev did wrong: 8.16%
C- Such advertisements should be avoided: 21.28%
D-Can’t say: 26.83%

Q-2 Does Swami Ramdev make misleading promotions of Patanjali products?
A- Yes: 53.93%
B-no: 37.90%
C-Can’t say: 8.17%

Q-3 Is Swami Ramdev trying to defame allopathy?
A- Yes: 52.47%
B-no: 35.86%
C-Can’t say: 11.67%

Q-4 When someone close to you falls victim to a serious disease, which
medical method do you adopt?
A- Allopathy: 59.18%
B- Ayurveda: 21.28%
C- Homeopath: 8.47%
D- Naturopath: 4.08%
E-Can’t say: 6.99%