On Sunday, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan announced the formation of a 20-member team to probe the serial blasts case in Ernakulam, Kerala. Additionally, an FIR has been registered in connection with the incident. Vijayan stated that an all-party meeting is scheduled for Monday to strategize the efforts in apprehending the individuals responsible for the explosion.
In a separate development, a man named Dominic Martin has come forward claiming responsibility and has surrendered to the police in Thrissur district. Nevertheless, the police have not yet verified his involvement, and his interrogation is currently underway.
Director General of Police Shaik Darvesh Saheb of Kerala has officially confirmed that the explosions at the convention centre in Kalamassery were triggered by an improvised explosive device (IED). Two women were killed in the blasts and over 50 others were injured in the three explosions which occurred on Sunday during a prayer meeting organised by a Christian group.
The Kerala Police have lodged an FIR in the Ernakulam blasts case, invoking sections 302, 307, Explosive Substances Act, and UAPA pertaining to the Kalamassery convention centre explosion.
Martin surrendered to police in Thrissur district and alleged that he planted the bomb at the prayer meeting venue. However, the police have yet to confirm his involvement in the blasts.
Kerala AGDP, Kalamassery, MR Ajith Kumar stated, “His name is Dominic Martin, and he claims to have belonged to the same group. We are currently verifying this information. We are investigating all aspects of this case… The blast occurred in the central part of the hall.”
A Kerala top cop said investigations are on to assess the situation but a preliminary probe showed the blasts were caused by an IED device. Officials said the device contains an explosive component that triggers a fire.
However, there is no definitive information yet and a conclusive identification of the explosive material can only be determined after a detailed forensic examination.
Authorities in Kerala have issued a directive to all 14 district police chiefs in the state, urging heightened vigilance, particularly around railway and bus stations. They emphasized the importance of strict police patrolling.
Additionally, the Kerala Police have cautioned that legal action will be taken against individuals spreading false information about the blasts. The official social media account of the Kerala Police stated, “Stringent measures will be taken against those using platforms like social media to propagate misinformation, with the intent to foment religious discord and communal animosity.”
In response to the blasts in Ernakulam, both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have ramped up security measures and screenings at all entry points from Kerala. Officials have stated that all seven major and seven minor entry points from Kerala into Karnataka will see an increased presence of police personnel.
Furthermore, churches in Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari district, situated in close proximity to Kerala, have been granted extra security measures in light of the recent incidents.
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