Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath showed his sportsman’s spirit as he participated in the ‘All India Advocates Cricket Tournament’ held in Lucknow. The function, that saw the country’s legal professionals assembled here, witnessed a curious sight of the cricket batting by CM Yogi Adityanath much to the amusement of the attendees.
His participation was considered a goodwill gesture to motivate champions and draw attention towards the need for physical activity to lead a healthy balanced lifestyle.
The tournament is an initiative to foster fraternalism among lawyers and give them a platform for competition in numerous areas outside the courts. It was a test of toughness between teams who were competing to win the title.
Attending such a tournament gives an indication that Adityanath’s administration is working towards sports and wellness in the state. He was welcomed to participate, and it can be said that governance and sportsmanship had been blended perfectly in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
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