Q. How are you preparing yourself for the World Cup?

A. I am training in Delhi under SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal). During the World Championship, 2019 I ended up with silver only. But this time I am aiming for the gold at the World Cup.

Q. How are you practising amid this pandemic?

A. I have never stopped practising. But in the last one month I have been focusing on my skills. Even amid the pandemic, I am working hard. We all are following all the norms, every precaution as well.

 Q. Have your game affected while you are on duty?

A. No, I got selected in 2008 as a constable at Mahila Sashastra Shakti Bal with the help of ‘Khel Quota’. During my job, my game has improved. So, even when I am on duty I have to keep focusing on my game only. That’s how my game and job go hand in hand.

 Q. How do you manage family and sports altogether?

A. I have been very fortunate. Before marriage, my parents supported me so much. After my marriage, my husband and my inlaws too stand behind me as my backbone. This support always helps me to keep myself motivated.

Q. When did you win your first international medal in Wushu?

A. I won my first international medal at 6TH Asian Championship, 2004 which was held in Myanmar. The total medal tally I have right now is of 29 medals (National and International both).

 Q. When did you decide to become a Wushu player?

A. Since my childhood, I was attracted to sports. Even when I was in school I spent most of my hours in the playground only. Earlier, I would play Kabaddi. But after seeing my sister I was attracted to Wushu.

Q. Do you have any particular goals you want to pursue in your life?

A. I want Wushu should be included in the Olympic Games. So that there we win medals for our country and contribute to the medal tally of India.

Q. What do you think about the condition of sports in India?

A. In our country, I just want the Sports Ministry should see every sport equally. If we are getting medals in Wushu, the government must make efforts to uplift Wushu and help its players.

Q. If you were not a Wushu player, what would you be?

A. If I were not a Wushu player, I would definitely have done well in Kabaddi. Because after Wushu, Kabaddi is the most beloved game for me.