I am happy that gyms opened in the Delhi from Monday onwards. Gym owners whose faces were hanging until now are seeing a ray of hope. Trainees are coming to the gym hoping to lose weight, but at the same time there are people who have gym membership but they are not coming to gyms yet.

Actually, there is a fear among such people that by going to the gyms, they may possibly be carrying the disease. Their thinking is right. If we remain alive, only then we will enjoy life. I want to tell them what to do and what not to do in gyms. I appeal to the gym owners to increase the gym hours so that the crowd in the gym can be avoided and the rule of physical distance can also be followed. Sanitize each device before you leave. If it is arranged then it is good and if it is not then use your own sanitizer bottle. Gym owners should try not to have more than ten people coming to the gym at a time. Often people exercise while lying on the sit up board, this should be avoided. If there are germs on the device while lying down, then they can enter our mouth directly.The rod often comes near the mouth while lifting the weight that should be avoided. I regret that we have lost many bodybuilders in this covid pandemic and many had high blood pressure and no doctor was ready to check up at that time. Those who have crossed 60, if they avoid coming to the gym at this time, then it will be good for them. Even I am 64, and I am not doing exercises in gym. People going to gym, wash hands frequently, use sanitizer. Keep a distance.Those who have come up from Covid do not know how much their lungs have been affected. How affected is their heart? I would advise them to do very light exercise. If such people could lift 200 kg earlier, then they would not be satisfied by lifting 150 kg. I would advise them to lift less than 100 kg. Give the body a chance to get into the rhythm by doing light exercise for at least ten to 15 days. Bring your towel, your own water bottle, and your own gloves to the gym. The gloves should not be of plastic or polythene.The clothes that bodybuilders wear should also be washed at home. Often people who come to the gym keep sweaty T-shirts in their kit bags. Wash those clothes at home and then dry them in the sun. If the gym is crowded, separate yourself from it.The author is a gym trainer, bodybuilding coach and Dronacharya Awardee.