Indian veteran batsman Manoj Tiwary announced that he has decided to come out from retirement to play one more season for Bengal in the red-ball format and hopefully help the team bag the elusive Ranji Trophy crown. Manoj announced his sudden retirement from the game on social media last Thursday. In a press conference held at the Media Center of the Eden Gardens, Manoj was accompanied by CAB President Snehashish Ganguly and Hony Secretary Naresh Ojha. Speaking about Manoj’s sudden retirement, Ganguly said, “After I got to know about Manoj’s retirement, I was very much surprised at his decision.
I got in touch with him and told him that after representing Bengal for nearly two decades, this is not the right way to announce the retirement. A player and leader like him must retire on the cricket field and not in this manner. He has contributed immensely for Bengal Cricket, so he deserves a special and proper farewell.” Under Manoj’s leadership, Bengal finished as runners-up in the Ranji Season last season, stressed that his main aim will be to lift the Ranji Trophy crown next season and bid farewell to the game. “The decision taken by me was a sudden one.
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