India’s young talent Tilak Varma’s father Namboori Nagaraju, described the influence left-handed batters coach Salam Bayash had over his career. In the heartwarming journey of young cricketer Tilak Varma, the echoes of his childhood dreams resonate with dedication and unwavering support. From the earliest days, Tilak’s passion for cricket was unmistakable, a constant companion as he wielded a plastic bat and ball even during his slumber. Despite facing financial hurdles, his family’s unyielding backing, especially from his hardworking electrician father, propelled him toward the cricketing arena. With the guidance of his mentor and godfather, Coach Salam Bayash, Tilak’s trajectory soared higher, with notable milestones like his U-19 World Cup appearance and a spot in the prestigious Mumbai Indians team. Now, at the threshold of his cricketing prowess, Tilak Varma exudes confidence and determination to shape matches in any situation, a young talent primed to leave an indelible mark on the cricketing landscape. In a candid conversation exclusively with Star Sports’ Follow the Blues, the touching journey of Tilak Varma comes to light, tracing back to his formative years suffused with an unbridled passion for cricket. From his earliest days, Tilak’s unwavering love for the sport was evident, a constant companion manifested by his firm grip on a cricket bat a plastic one, procured from toy stores which he clung to even in slumber, the ball right by his side. Recounting his family’s unwavering backing, Tilak reflects on the sacrifices his father, an electrician by profession, made, toiling tirelessly from dawn till dusk to facilitate his cricketing aspirations. There were moments when a bat was beyond reach, but Tilak recalls his father’s steadfast promise to provide what was needed, embodying an unyielding spirit of support. Guiding Tilak’s path was the influential figure of Coach Salam Bayash, a mentor who not only nurtured his cricketing skills but also acted as a guardian and encourager. Echoing his father’s sentiment, Tilak credits Coach Salam for playing the role of a benevolent godfather, offering unwavering encouragement and even assistance with essentials like lunch and cricketing equip
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