Amid the ongoing surge in coronavirus cases, the National Institute of Sports (NIS), Patiala and the Sports Authority of India (SAI), Bengaluru reported 26 and four positive cases respectively. A source told ANI that RT-PCR tests were conducted at NIS, Patiala, and SAI, Bengaluru. At NIS, around 380 tests were carried out while at SAI, more than 400 tests were conducted. In addition to 26 positive cases at NIS, there are two coaches as well who have returned a positive result. However, no Olympic-bound athlete has tested positive for COVID-19.Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has said that the ministry is planning to send the Indian Olympic contingent in advance for the Tokyo Games so that the athletes get acclimatise to the conditions.“Only three months are left for the Olympic Games. Athletes are giving their best to book their seats for the Olympics and do well for the country. The ministry is also planning to send the Olympic team in advance so that they would get time to adjust to the climate over there. They will be able to train in those conditions which will help them during the competition,” Rijiju told ANI.“Arrangements are being made for our athletes and their team (technical), they will be put up in different locations in Japan. Right now, some of them are still participating in tournaments. There are some qualification events happening, but we have made a detailed plan for it. I have spoken to the Indian Olympic Association and we have a committee headed by me to plan and prepare for the Olympics and the entire management. The athletes will be able to train and practice wherever they will stay,” he added.Eight states accounted for 84.73 per cent of the 53,480 COVID-19 cases registered in the country in the last 24 hours, the union health ministry informed on Wednesday morning.Maharashtra continued to report the highest number of daily cases with 27,918, followed by Chhattisgarh and Karnataka with 3,108 and 2,975 respectively. Six states accounted for 82.20 per cent of the new 354 deaths. With 139, Maharashtra saw the maximum casualties, followed by Punjab with 64 deaths.Fourteen states/Union Territories (UTs) have not reported any COVID-19 related death in the last 24 hours, the ministry further said. ANI