India will have to wait longer to celebrate their heroes, as Rohit Sharma’s T20 World Cup-winning team’s return has been delayed. Approximately 70 members of the Indian contingent, including cricketers, support staff, their families, and top BCCI officials, have been stranded in Bridgetown and Barbados for the past three days. Despite their victory over South Africa on June 29 (IST), they have been unable to return home due to Hurricane Beryl.
Earlier announced that the Indian cricket team, after their T20 World Cup victory, was scheduled to leave Barbados on Tuesday evening (local time) and is expected to arrive in Delhi by Wednesday evening (IST), according to sources from IANS.
The team initially planned to depart Barbados on Monday at 11 AM local time (8:30 PM IST). However, Hurricane Beryl’s impact, which led to airport and business closures, delayed their departure, leaving them stranded for two days.
Hurricane Beryl has since intensified into a Category 4 storm, posing life-threatening winds and the potential for a dangerous storm surge, according to the National Hurricane Center of the United States. Beryl has further intensified to a Category 5 after making landfall in the Windward Islands and is now moving towards Jamaica.
Despite these challenges, the Indian cricket team’s safe return has become a priority. India eagerly awaits their arrival, ready to celebrate their T20 World Cup victory. The team’s resilience on the field is mirrored by their patience in dealing with these unexpected off-field events, and the nation stands ready to welcome and honor them for their remarkable achievement.
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