India’s batting coach Sitanshu Kotak has stood up for Suryakumar Yadav after his slow beginning to the T20I series against England. The Indian vice-captain has achieved only 0 and 12 in the initial two matches, and there is increasing pressure on him to produce a significant performance in Rajkot. Nevertheless, with India continuing a winning streak, Suryakumar is permitted to maintain his fearless batting style.
Kotak voiced his backing for Suryakumar, noting that India’s bold T20I approach doesn’t always assure substantial scores in each game.
“Surya, I think he is performing, but sometimes I believe we also expect too much. Every game, if we assume Surya will succeed (that is not acceptable). The game has become increasingly aggressive, the intent we must have in the T20s is immense, there will be occasions when they get out because they are playing fearless (cricket),” Kotak remarked at the pre-match press conference before the third T20I.
Kotak further elaborated on India’s comprehensive batting strategy and commended Surya for exemplifying a selfless attitude.
“Because if you aim to score 200-225, you cannot approach cricket while trying to safeguard your wickets. These two aspects do not go together. He plays a form of cricket for the team that is very, very selfless, and that is what he conveys to the batters as well. There are matches he will shine in, and there are matches where he will not,” Kotak mentioned.
Surya’s recent performance has fallen short of his usual level. Since the start of 2024, he has compiled 441 runs in 19 innings, averaging 24. 50, including four half-centuries.
Kotak stressed that Suryakumar possesses the intelligence to counter the adversaries’ tactics.
“I believe that he has been batting with the same rhythm; I wouldn’t say there’s been any real change. However, strategically, opposing teams will bowl in zones (to aim at him), but he is very clever and will recognize that and practice accordingly. I think, touchwood (he would score) in this match,” he stated.