During an away fixture against the Rajasthan Royals in Jaipur, a heartwarming incident unfolded when a devoted Mumbai Indians fan named Sunny stepped in to assist the team bus out of a traffic snarl. Amidst the gridlock, Sunny emerged as a guardian angel for the stranded bus, as captured in a video shared by the franchise on social media.
In the footage, Sunny can be seen coordinating with the bus driver and rallying others to clear a path for the bus. While bystanders cheered on and captured the moment on their phones, it was Sunny’s determined efforts that ultimately facilitated the bus’s escape from the congestion. Inside the bus, the players, including notable figures like Rohit Sharma and Suryakumar Yadav, expressed their gratitude towards Sunny, acknowledging his selfless gesture.
This heartwarming display of fan support not only underscored the passionate allegiance of Mumbai Indians supporters but also highlighted the sense of camaraderie and unity that permeates through the cricketing community.
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