Indian football icon Sunil Chhetri, amidst a flurry of attention following his announcement of retirement after an illustrious 19-year career, emphasizes the need to shift focus to India’s upcoming crucial match against Kuwait. Chhetri, revered as one of India’s greatest-ever players, stresses the importance of prioritizing the national team’s preparations for the World Cup Qualifiers.

While acknowledging the overwhelming admiration and flood of messages he has received, Chhetri urges for a swift transition back to discussions centered around the team’s objectives. With a pivotal match on the horizon, he directs attention towards the collective goal of securing victory against Kuwait to advance India’s chances in the qualifiers.

Reflecting on his remarkable journey, Chhetri expresses gratitude for his accomplishments, including 94 international goals, highlighting his pride in representing the nation for 150 games. He credits his success to the unwavering support of his family and the exceptional care provided by the national team’s medical staff, particularly acknowledging the pivotal role of Gigy George.

Looking ahead to his final match in Kolkata, a city close to his heart, Chhetri extends a heartfelt message to fans, urging them to rally behind the team as they strive for success. While his retirement marks the end of an era, Chhetri looks forward to spending time with his family before embarking on a new chapter with Bengaluru FC in July.