The Sports Authority of India (SAI) on Thursday said that it has approved the request for opening training facilities at the Karni Singh Shooting Range here for national squad shooters from October 5. 

While the range had already opened up for the core Olympic probables, SAI said that 64 additional shooters would be provided ammunition and targets at government expense. In addition to the core group, which was revealed by the National Rifles Association of India (NRAI) in June, athletes included in the developmental group and Khelo India shooters were also training at the Range.

 SAI also confirmed that it has agreed in principal with the NRAI to hold a separate camp for shooters who are in the mix for the Tokyo Olympics. “However, considering the prevailing extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the details of the camp are being worked out in consultation with all the stakeholders,” it said. ““In light of the present quarantine requirements of 7 days, especially when shooter/support staff would be travelling from various part of the country, holding a short camp of 10 days for shotgun was not considered prudent.”