Indian wicketkeeper batsman Sarfaraz Khan has tied the knot with a girl from the Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir. Videos shared on various social media platforms, showed Khan, who plays for Mumbai in the Ranji Trophy and for Delhi Capitals in the Indian Premier League (IPL), dressed in a black sherwani. Sarfaraz is going through a purple patch in his first-class cricket career. Sarfaraz has scored 3505 runs in 37 first-class matches. He has an outstanding average of 79.65 and has struck 13 hundred. His highest knock is 301* in domestic games. In List A cricket, he has scored 469 runs with an average of 39.08 in 26 matches. He also has two centuries in list cricket. In the 2022-23 Ranji Trophy season, Sarfaraz scored 556 runs with an impressive average of 92.66. He has also bagged three centuries in 6 matches.
The Mumbai batter was the leading run-scorer in the year 2022 where he had struck 982 runs with an average of 122.75 in six test matches. He had four hundred under his belt. In 2019-2020, he was among the top five run-getter in the Ranji Trophy. He scored 928 runs with an average of 154.66 in six games. He had hit three centuries with the career-best knock of 301* in first-class cricket. As the new season dawns, Sarfaraz is primed to kickstart it with a resounding impact, driven by his fervent aspiration to secure a coveted spot in the Indian squad. His focus extends to refining his skills for the limited-overs format, entailing seizing the opportunities that come his way in the Indian Premier League (IPL).
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