Cricket icon Sachin Tendulkar revealed on Wednesday that his daughter, Sara Tendulkar, has been appointed as a director at the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation (STF). Sharing his excitement on social media, Tendulkar wrote, “I’m overjoyed to share that my daughter Sara Tendulkar has joined the @STF_India as Director.”
The announcement was accompanied by photos of Sara interacting with children. Sara, who celebrated her 27th birthday in October, holds a Master’s degree in Clinical and Public Health Nutrition from University College London.
Speaking about her new role, Tendulkar added, “As she embarks on this journey to empower India through sports, healthcare, and education, it serves as a reminder of how global learning can come full circle.”
The Tendulkars marked Diwali this year with the STF team, which focuses on providing healthcare to children with cleft lip and palate conditions. The foundation, established in September 2019 by Sachin and his wife Anjali Tendulkar, aims to create better opportunities for children. Anjali, a pediatrician and philanthropist, also serves as a director at the NGO.
Sara, who completed her schooling in Mumbai, is a popular figure on social media, boasting over 7.3 million Instagram followers. On Wednesday, she shared an Instagram Story featuring her brother Arjun Tendulkar, writing, “First siblings’ trip. Let’s go,” from Mumbai airport.
The foundation’s website highlights Sara’s involvement, noting her non-board-member director role and her deep connection to the organization as the eldest child of Sachin and Anjali.
Meanwhile, Arjun Tendulkar, 25, recently made headlines after being signed by the Mumbai Indians for ₹30 lakh at the IPL auction.
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