India’s former World Cup-winning skipper, Kapil Dev, has made some harsh remarks about India captain Rohit Sharma’s fitness and said, “It’s a shame if you are not fit as a captain.”
After being asked at a news channel about Rohit’s fitness, former India captain Kapil Dev said that, “It is very important to be fit. More so for a captain. It’s a shame if you are not fit. Rohit needs to put some hard work on it.”
“He is a great batsman but when you talk about his fitness, he looks a bit overweight, at least on TV. Yes, it’s different when you look at someone on TV and then in real life. But, from whatever I see, Rohit is a great player and a great captain, but he needs to get fit. Look at Virat, whenever you see him, you say, that’s some fitness!” Kapil Dev added.
Praising Rohit’s skills, the former captain said that, Rohit is one of the best players when it comes to his skills, but at the same time, when it comes to his fitness, he can’t be the same.  “There’s no shortcoming in Rohit Sharma. He has everything but I personally think, there is a huge question mark over his fitness. Is he fit enough? Because a captain should be someone who motivates the other players to get fitter, the teammates should feel proud of their captain.” He added.
Furthermore, under Rohit Sharma’s leadership, India will host the 2023 ODI World Cup, which will be held from October to November.