Indian cricket team captain Rohit Sharma and his wife, Ritika Sajdeh, have been blessed with a baby boy. The couple, already proud parents to their daughter Samaira, welcomed their second child on Friday, November 15. While the joyous news has yet to be officially shared on their social media, it has already brought excitement to their fans.

Paternity Break Amidst Border-Gavaskar Trophy

Rohit had taken a paternity break to be with Ritika for this special moment, skipping training sessions ahead of the much-anticipated Border-Gavaskar Trophy. This has raised questions about his availability for the 1st Test in Perth, scheduled soon.

Will Rohit Join Team India in Time?

Reports suggest that Rohit may still travel to Perth if family circumstances allow. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is keeping all arrangements flexible to ensure the captain can rejoin the squad at the earliest. However, his absence in the opener could pose significant challenges for Team India.

Mixed Reactions to Rohit’s Possible Absence

The possibility of Rohit missing the first Test sparked mixed reactions. Former Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar suggested that Rohit should step down as captain for the series if unavailable for the first match. Conversely, former Australian cricketer Aaron Finch defended Rohit, highlighting the importance of prioritizing family during such pivotal life events. Ritika Sajdeh herself subtly showed her support by liking Finch’s post.

A Look Back at Rohit and Ritika’s Journey

Rohit Sharma and Ritika Sajdeh tied the knot on December 13, 2015, in a grand celebration attended by cricketing and entertainment industry stars. They welcomed their first child, Samaira, in 2018, and now, six years later, they celebrate the arrival of their son.

Preparation for the Series Continues

Despite being away from the team, Rohit has been keeping himself match-ready. He was recently seen practising in the nets in Mumbai, showing his dedication to the upcoming series.

As fans celebrate the personal milestone for the Sharma family, all eyes remain on whether Rohit will make it in time to lead his team in Perth.