Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju on Tuesday shared his fitness video and urged all Indians to join the initiative by posting their fitness videos in order to make the country a fitter nation.

“Millions of Indians have joined the vision of our PM Narendra Modi Ji to make #NewIndiaFitIndia. We can strengthen the Fit India Movement. Share your fitness videos with me and together let’s make India a fit, healthy and strong nation. Fitness Ka Dose Aadha Ghanta Roz” he said in a tweet.

‘Fitness Ka Dose Aadha Ghanta Roz’ campaign was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this year as part of the nation-wide Fit India Movement. It has gained the support of celebrities from different walks of life who have urged Indians to follow the basic mantra of 30 minutes of fitness every day.

It was even applauded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently.