Another feather has been added to the Poonam Khatri’s cap. Wushu World Championship Silver Medallist Poonam Khatri converted the color into Gold. Last Year Championship was held in China in October 2019, where Iranian Player Mariyam won the Gold Medal in the 75 Kg weight category. However, Mariyam failed in dope test and now the Gold medal has been given to the Indian Wushu Player Poonam Khatri.
World Wushu Association informed the Indian Wushu Association by e-mail. Information was given by SecretaryGeneral of Wushu association Suhel Ahmed. Born in Soldha village in Haryana’s Jhajjar district, Khatri took to sports in her childhood.
“As a schoolkid, I used to play kabaddi and kho kho. I was always fond of playing,” she says, adding that she first came across wushu when she saw a cousin take up the sport.
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