Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday greeted the Olympic athletes after the conclusion of his Independence Day speech here at the Red Fort. Athletes of the Indian contingent who had participated in the Tokyo Games, including javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, India’s first-ever Gold Medallist in track and field, Mirabai Chanu along with officials of the Sports Authority of India (SAI), were among those present at the Red Fort on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day. PM Modi in his Independence Day speech on Sunday applauded the Indian Olympic athletes and said the country was proud of them for bringing glory to the nation and that their feat has inspired the future generation.
PM Modi also said awareness regarding sports and fitness has come within the country and the results were seen during the Tokyo Olympics. India recorded its best-ever medal haul at the recently concluded Olympics by bagging a total of seven medals – one Gold, two silver, and four bronze. “There was a time when sports wasn’t considered a part of the mainstream. Parents used to tell children that they would spoil their life if they kept playing. Now, awareness regarding sports and fitness has come within the country. We have experienced this in Olympics this time,” said PM Modi “It’s a major turning point for our country. In this decade we’ve to further speed up drive to bring in talent, technology, and professionalism in sports in the country.
“It’s a matter of pride that India’s daughters are giving a splendid performance, be it Boards exams or Olympics,” the PM added. Around 240 Olympians, support staff, and SAI and sports federation officials were also invited to grace the Gyan Path in front of the Ramparts. On Saturday, the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind hosted a ‘High Tea’ for the Indian Contingent of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 at the Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural Centre. The Vice President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu also graced the occasion.
The President congratulated the entire Indian Contingent for their excellent efforts.
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