The successful 19th Asian Games Indian Shooting squad, including coaches and support staff, were felicitated at a simple ceremony organized by the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) here at the Finals Hall of the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range (DKSSR) in the national capital. Mementos were handed over to them by various senior officials.
The 33-member squad came back from Hangzhou, China, with a historic best-ever haul of 22 medals, including seven gold from the continental multi-sport extravaganza.
Addressing the gathering, Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo, Senior Vice President of NRAI, said, “It is really a moment of great pride for the NRAI when our shooters deliver such results and receive such recognition. I am sure this is a stepping stone; however, greater achievements await our talented shooters. I just want to reiterate one thing to all our dear shooters, which is to stay focused on your shooting.
Both the Indian senior and junior squads are undergoing a national camp at DKSSR, ahead of the Asian Shooting Championship (ASC), scheduled in Changwon, Korea, between October 22 and November 2, 2023. The first group leaves on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. The senior squad has 36 shooters along with 17 coaches and support staff who will accompany them at various stages. The junior squad has 38 members and 24 coaches and support staff.
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