Services, the Indian Armed Forces’ squad at the National Games 2022 in Gujarat, are on track to win the most medals for the fourth time in a row. Services began the day with 53 gold medals and added three more top podium results on Tuesday to maintain their lead with 56 gold, 34 silver, and 31 bronze medals for a total of 121 medals as shared by the Olympics Website. Maharashtra, with 38 gold medals (138 total), and Haryana, with 34 gold medals (106 total), are vying for second place on the last day of the National Games. Men’s softball was won by Maharashtra, while Punjab won women’s softball. Haryana, which won gold in wushu by athlete Ravi Panchal and the women’s hockey team in Rajkot, will aim to leapfrog Maharashtra in boxing on Wednesday.
Eight Haryana pugilists have advanced to the finals and will be expected to assist the state to overtake Maharashtra in the medals tally at the National Games.
Karnataka won the men’s hockey gold medal in Rajkot’s Major Dhyan Chand Hockey Stadium. Karnataka defeated Uttar Pradesh in a sudden death tiebreaker after the sides were tied 2-2 in regulation time and each scored four goals in the penalty shootout.
Gujarat has also put on the finest performance in National Games history, capturing 47 medals, including 13 gold, 15 silver, and 19 bronze.
West Bengal defeated Kerala 5-0 in the men’s football final to win the championship. West Bengal’s Naro Hari Shrestha scored three goals, while Surajit Hansda and Amit Chakraborty each had one.In boxing, bronze medalist Lovlina Borgohain and Commonwealth Games medalists Mohammed Hussamuddin and Jaismine Lamboria cruised to boxing finals in their respective weight divisions.
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