Former Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni has once again captured the spotlight, this time not with his cricketing prowess but with a striking new hairstyle that has left fans in awe. Known for his penchant for experimenting with different looks over the years, Dhoni’s latest appearance has sparked a flurry of admiration and compliments on social media.

Celebrity stylist Aalim Hakim shared the photos of Dhoni’s revamped look on Instagram, where the cricketer is seen sporting a shorter haircut and a confident demeanor in a black T-shirt. The images, accompanied by Hakim’s praise for Dhoni’s youthful charm, quickly garnered over 40,000 likes and numerous comments from fans and celebrities alike.

Fans were quick to express their admiration, with comments ranging from “ageing in reverse” to comparing him favorably to actors for his handsome appearance with this new hairstyle. Dhoni’s IPL franchise, Chennai Super Kings, also joined in, describing him as “dapper in new look” and further fueling the excitement among his followers.

This isn’t the first time Dhoni has made headlines for his hairstyles. Earlier in May, he surprised fans with a longer, back-brushed hairdo, showcasing his versatile style choices and continuing to captivate his audience both on and off the cricket field.

Ms Dhoni has always come up with such hairstyles that has always amazed fans,