A tragic incident unfolded early Sunday morning as a two-storey building collapsed in Deoghar district, leaving several individuals feared trapped under the debris. The collapse occurred in Deoghar town around 6 am, prompting a swift response from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and local authorities.
According to reports, one person has been rescued so far, while efforts continue to rescue two others believed to be trapped. The NDRF, along with teams from the fire department and health services, are tirelessly engaged in rescue operations.
Confirming the incident, District Magistrate Vishal Sagar stated that six to seven people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. Two children have already been rescued from the site of the collapse near Sita Hotel under the Municipal Corporation area.
In response to the emergency, Deputy Commissioner of Deoghar has mobilized a comprehensive rescue operation involving magistrates, ambulance teams, fire brigades, and police personnel. The teams are working swiftly to clear debris and locate any remaining individuals trapped in the building collapse. This. developing story