Virat Kohli’s sister, Bhawna Kohli Dhingra, addressed viral photos claiming to show Virat and Anushka Sharma’s son, Akaay. On Sunday, cameras captured a baby behind Anushka, leading fans to believe it was Akaay. Many celebrated catching a glimpse of him, but Bhawna clarified that the child in the photos isn’t Akaay.
Posting on Instagram Stories, Bhawna stated, “Have been seeing Virat and Anushka’s friend’s daughter being mistaken for Akaay on social media. The child in the picture is not our Akaay. Thank you.”
Virat and Anushka welcomed Akaay in February, sharing their joy on Instagram: “With abundant happiness and our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay, Vamika’s little brother into this world! We seek your blessings and good wishes…We request you to kindly respect our privacy.”
Also Read: Is It Our ‘Chota Chiku’? Virat Kohli’s Son Akaay Kohli Face Reaveled! | Pics
For Virat’s birthday, Anushka shared a family photo featuring Akaay and their daughter Vamika, though their faces were covered with heart emojis.
The couple has a strict no-photo policy for their children, repeatedly asking paparazzi to respect their privacy. In a 2020 Vogue India interview, Anushka explained, “We’ve thought about it a lot. We definitely do not want to raise a child in the public eye… It’s a decision your child should be able to take. No kid should be made to feel more special than the other. It’s going to be difficult, but we intend to follow through.”
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