Manu Bhaker, India’s star shooter, will aim for her third Olympic medal by competing in the women’s 25m pistol shooting event. This event is considered her strongest discipline, and her participation is highly anticipated as she seeks to further her remarkable Olympic legacy. Manu who has already etched her name in the record books, has the opportunity to become the only Indian athlete to win three Olympic medals in a single event. She previously secured the Asian Games gold medal in the women’s 25m pistol, her strongest event.

On Day 8 of the Paris Olympics, here’s the schedule for Indian athletes:


12:30 PM IST: Raiza Dhillon and Maheshwari Chauhan in Women’s Skeet Qualification Day 1

12:30 PM IST: Anant Jeet Singh Naruka in Men’s Skeet Qualification Day 2

1:00 PM IST: Manu Bhaker in Women’s 25m Pistol Final


12:30 PM IST: Shubhankar Sharma and Gaganjeet Bhullar in Men’s Individual Stroke Play Round 3


1:52 PM IST: Deepika Kumari vs Michelle Kroppen (Germany) in Women’s Individual 1/8 Elimination Round

2:05 PM IST: Bhajan Kaur vs Diananda Choirunisa (Indonesia) in Women’s Individual 1/8 Elimination Round

4:30 PM IST Onwards: Deepika Kumari and Bhajan Kaur in Women’s Individual Quarterfinal (If qualified)

5:22 PM IST Onwards: Deepika Kumari and Bhajan Kaur in Women’s Individual Semifinal (If qualified)

6:03 PM IST: Deepika Kumari and Bhajan Kaur in Women’s Individual Bronze Medal match (If Semifinals Lost)

6:16 PM IST: Deepika Kumari and Bhajan Kaur in Women’s Individual Gold Medal match (If qualified)


3:50 PM IST: Vishnu Saravanan in Men’s Dinghy Race 5 & 6

5:55 PM IST: Nethra Kumanan in Women’s Dinghy Race 4, 5 & 6


12:18 AM IST (Next Day): Nishant Dev vs Marco Verde (Mexico) in Men’s 71kg Quarterfinals