On the second day of Pro Tennis League, season 3 Indian Aviators continued its winning streak when it defeated ProVeri Super Smashers in a close fight by 23-21 and retained their dominant position in Group A.Ajay Malik of Aviators beat Aditya Nandal by a score of 5-2. Another major win for the Aviators came from a mixed doubles category where Ajay Malik partnered with Diva Bhatia whitewashed Aditya Nandal and Mahika Khanna by 5-0.The Men’s doubles pair of Sriram Balaji partnered with SindhantBanthia defeated Ramkumar Ramanathanand Nitin Kumar Sinha in a tiebreaker with a score of 7-4.
Bangalore Challengers after a draw on the first day boosted their performance and took a comfortable lead in Group B after defeating Team Radiant on the second day. The Mixed Doubles duo of Aman Dahiya along with Sai Samhitha defeated ParvNage and Prerna Bhambri by a major lead of 5-1. The Challengers’ winning streak continued in the Pro- Men 1 category after Niki Poonacha beat Saketh Myneni with a score of 5-2. The last match of Bangalore Challengers for the second daygave them an impeccable lead when Mixed Doubles pair of Dilip Mohanty and Sai Samhitha absolutely outperformed Arjun Uppal and Prerna Bhambri by 5-0.

After a 24-18 loss on the first day, Sapphire Superstars managed to get back on the race for the number one position in Group A by an overall score of 23 -17. Sapphire Superstars faced Sankara and managed to secure major wins on the second day. Sapphire’sMixed Doubles pair of Chirag Duhanwith Riya Sachdeva owned the court against Shivank Bhatnagar and NiyatiKukreti resulting in a 5-1 win. In the Pro- Men 2 category Prithvi Shekhar of Sapphire edged Parikshit Somani in a thrilling match concluding with a score of 5-3. The Superstars with a dedicated last match duo of Aditya Khanna and Riya Sachdeva provided the team with a much-needed win against Ashish Khanna beside NiyatiKukreti.
Rounding up the matches of the first two days, Indian Aviators have extended their lead in Group A with Sapphire Superstars at their tail. To coverup, ProVeri Super Smashers require a hard-earned lead in the 3rd day for a place in the top two of Group A standings. For the top two race in Group B, Stag BabolatYoddhas and Bangalore Challengers with a draw and major wins in the second day keep the score head-to-head.
Team Radiant on the other hand with a brilliant start in the league were unable to keep up the momentum. DMG Delhi Crusaders with a steady points growth is still unable to participate in the top two race after Day 2.
Indian Aviators have extended their lead in Group A with Sapphire Superstars at their tail. ProVeri Super Smashers require a hard-earned lead on the 3rd day for a place in the top two of Group A standings. Stag BabolatYoddhas and Bangalore Challengers with a draw and major wins on the second day keep the score head-to-head.