India gears up for the T20 World Cup 2024 showdown against England, the defending champions, as the two teams come face to face in the second semi-final in Guyana on Thursday. Unlike the first semi-final between South Africa and Afghanistan, which saw no interruption by rain, the second match in Guyana is expected to witness plenty of showers, especially after the scheduled start of the game at 10:30 AM (local time). Showers were observed in Guyana a day before, and the same is expected during the second semi-final.

India vs England, Hourly Weather Report, Guyana:

According to Accuweather, rain is expected at the venue throughout the day, with showers likely to intensify after 9:00 AM local time (6:30 PM IST). The likelihood of rainfall will peak at 11:00 AM local time (8:30 PM IST) and is expected to decrease from 12 noon onwards.

9:00 AM (6:30 PM IST) – 40% chance of rain
10:00 AM (7:30 PM IST) – 66% chance of rain
11:00 AM (8:30 PM IST) – 75% chance of rain
12:00 PM (9:30 PM IST) – 49% chance of rain
1:00 PM (10:30 PM IST) – 34% chance of rain
2:00 PM (11:30 PM IST) – 34% chance of rain
3:00 PM (7:30 PM IST) – 40% chance of rain

What happens if rain washes out the India vs England T20 World Cup 2024 semi-final?

The International Cricket Council (ICC) hasn’t scheduled a Reserve Day for this semi-final. However, the India vs England match will get approximately 4 extra hours to complete. A 10-over-per-side contest is required to obtain a result from the match.

If either of the two sides fails to bat for 10 overs, the match will be considered abandoned. A washout would lead to Team India’s progression into the final while England will be knocked out, based on the results the two sides obtained during the group stage of the campaign.