Team India’s squad for the upcoming three-match ODI series against England, along with the ICC Champions Trophy 2025, will be announced on January 18, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) confirmed in an official statement. According to the BCCI, India captain Rohit Sharma and chairman of selectors, Ajit Agarkar, will address the press conference in Mumbai on Saturday at 12:30 PM, following the squad announcement.
“The Men’s Selection Committee will select India’s squad for the IDFC First Bank ODI series against England and the upcoming ICC Champions Trophy 2025 tomorrow in Mumbai. The Selection Meeting will be followed by a press conference, details of which are under,” the statement from the BCCI read.
While there had been some uncertainty around Rohit Sharma’s future, the BCCI’s announcement more or less confirms that he will continue to lead India in the Champions Trophy.
In addition, the BCCI introduced a 10-point policy on Thursday aimed at enhancing “discipline and unity” within the team. The policy includes making domestic cricket participation mandatory, restricting the presence of families and personal staff during tours, and banning individual commercial endorsements during ongoing series.
It is reported that these restrictions were requested by head coach Gautam Gambhir after a review of the team’s poor recent performance. Non-compliance with the policy would lead to penalties, such as cuts in players’ retainer fees and barring them from participating in the Indian Premier League.
The new measures were announced following India’s underwhelming tour of Australia, where they lost the Border-Gavaskar Trophy for the first time in a decade, and their subsequent whitewash by New Zealand at home.
The 10 guidelines now make it mandatory for players to obtain approval from Gambhir and Ajit Agarkar, the chairman of selectors, for any relaxation, including the length of family stays during tours.