Former Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir offered prayers on Thursday at the Lord Balaji Temple in Tirumala, Andhra Pradesh, and expressed optimism that the 140 crore Indians’ collective prayers would help the Men in Blue win the upcoming ICC ODI World Cup. Early on Thursday morning, Gambhir and his family arrived in Tirumala, where he was welcomed by temple officials and given “srivari prasadam.” India has a good chance of winning the trophy at the 2023 Cricket World Cup, according to the former opener. He also thinks that Men in Blue will win the World Cup thanks to the prayers of 140 crore Indians.

“All of us wish India the very best. I am sure with 140 crore Indians praying for the team, they will definitely do a very good job and India has a very good chance of winning the World Cup,” Gambhir told media after his visit to
The 41-year-old is currently the mentor of the Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Lucknow Super Giants (LSG).
India will begin their ODI World Cup campaign against Australia on October 8 at Chennai. The 15-member squad will be led by Rohit Sharma and Hardik Pandya acting as his deputy.