Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar commemorated the 25th death anniversary of his father, Ramesh Tendulkar, with a heartfelt note shared on his official social media account. Tendulkar expressed that even after a quarter-century, it feels like his father’s presence still lingers with him. Reflecting on his father’s passing at the age of 26, Tendulkar, now 51, acknowledged the profound impact his father had on his life and the lives of others. Revisiting his father’s chair after 43 years on this poignant anniversary stirred deep emotions within Tendulkar, reinforcing the enduring influence of his father’s wisdom and kindness. Tendulkar conveyed his ongoing affection and admiration for his father, expressing his hope that he continues to uphold the values instilled in him.
Tendulkar’s tribute also recalled a poignant moment during the 1999 ICC Cricket World Cup in England when he received the news of his father’s passing while representing India in the tournament. Despite the heartbreaking loss, Tendulkar returned to India to be with his family, only to rejoin his team shortly after. In a display of remarkable resilience and dedication, Tendulkar returned to the field and played against Kenya, where he scored his 22nd ODI century. He dedicated this milestone to his late father, looking skyward in a poignant moment of remembrance.
Having left an indelible mark on the cricketing world, Sachin Tendulkar concluded his illustrious career as the first and only cricketer to have scored 100 international centuries. Among these remarkable achievements are 51 centuries in Test cricket and 49 centuries in One Day Internationals (ODIs). Tendulkar’s tribute serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring influence of family and the values that shape an extraordinary journey.