AHMEDABAD: Ahead of the upcoming fourth Test against England, Virat Kohli-led India on Sunday had a grind in the nets and everyone was seen having a hit in the middle. Board of Control for Cricket in India’s (BCCI) official handle tweeted the photos from the training session and captioned the post as: “#TeamIndia members gearing up for the fourth and final Test against England.” In the ongoing series, Rohit Sharma, Axar Patel, and Ravichandran Ashwin have been the standout performers and now in the fourth Test, skipper Kohli would look to come to the party and end his century-drought. Kohli had last scored a century way back in 2019 in a day-night Test against Bangladesh at the Eden Gardens. If India manages to win or draw the final Test against England, then the side would qualify for the finals of the World Test Championship (WTC) and the side would take on New Zealand in the summit clash.
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