The Tamil Nadu Dragons secured a 2-0 victory over the UP Rudras in the Hero Hockey India League 2024-25 on Sunday. With goals from Abharan Sudev (48′) and Thomas Sorsby (60′) and a solid defensive display by skipper Amit Rohidas, the Dragons earned their first outright win of the season and climbed to third place in the standings.
Early Missed Opportunities
From the start, the Dragons looked dangerous. In the second minute, they found themselves in a promising 4v1 position. However, despite the advantage, Uttam Singh failed to convert. Meanwhile, the Rudras relentlessly searched for the opening goal. By the end of the first quarter, they won a penalty corner. Nevertheless, Amit Rohidas’s quick reflexes saved the Dragons as he blocked Sam Ward’s powerful shot, keeping the score 0-0.
Defensive Stalemate in the Second Quarter
As the game progressed, both teams struggled to create clear chances. Moreover, Shesha Gowda delivered a standout performance by marking the dangerous Hardik Singh and neutralizing his threat. Just before halftime, Tom Craig launched a swift counterattack. However, Lalit Upadhyay’s exceptional tackle thwarted his effort, ensuring the teams remained tied as they headed into the break.
Rudras Dominate but Fail to Score
After halftime, the Rudras came out strong. For instance, in the 34th minute, Lalit Upadhyay skillfully maneuvered past three defenders to earn a penalty corner. Although Kane Russell appeared to have scored with a powerful drag-flick, the goal was disallowed due to a technicality. Shortly after, the Rudras earned another penalty corner, but the Dragons’ defense held firm.
On the other hand, the Dragons countered with a golden opportunity. Uttam Singh made a brilliant run down the right and delivered a lofted pass to Tom Craig. Unfortunately, the Australian forward couldn’t control the ball in time. Despite dominating with 14 circle penetrations and three penalty corners, the Rudras remained scoreless at the end of the third quarter.
Sudev Breaks the Deadlock
The game finally came alive in the fourth quarter. In the 48th minute, Nathan Ephraums unleashed a powerful strike, forcing a save from James Mazarelo. The rebound fell perfectly for Abharan Sudev, who calmly slotted the ball into the net to give the Dragons a 1-0 lead.
Meanwhile, the Rudras intensified their efforts to equalize. In the 52nd minute, they earned a penalty corner, but Rohidas once again displayed his defensive brilliance, blocking Kane Russell’s drag-flick. Even with two back-to-back penalty corners in the final minutes, the Rudras couldn’t break through the Dragons’ resilient defense.
Sorsby Seals the Win
As the match neared its conclusion, Thomas Sorsby ensured victory for the Dragons. With just 13 seconds left, he raced down the left flank and fired a precise low shot into the net. Consequently, the Dragons extended their lead to 2-0 and celebrated a well-deserved win.
Rohidas Leads by Example
Throughout the match, skipper Amit Rohidas stood tall. His timely blocks, strategic positioning, and leadership were crucial in keeping the Rudras at bay. Thanks to their strong defense and effective counterattacks, the Dragons emerged victorious in a high-stakes encounter.