Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini announced on Thursday that wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who retired after being disqualified from the Olympics, will be honored by the state as if she had won a medal. Praising her as a “champion,” the Chief Minister stated that Phogat would receive all the respect and rewards typically given to an Olympic silver medalist by the Haryana government.

“Our brave daughter of Haryana, Vinesh Phogat, performed brilliantly and reached the finals of the Olympics. Due to some reasons, she may not have been able to play in the final, but she remains a champion in our eyes… Our government has decided that Vinesh Phogat will be welcomed and honored like a medalist. She will receive all the respect, rewards, and facilities that the Haryana government provides to an Olympic silver medalist,” CM Saini wrote in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter), in Hindi.

He further expressed pride in Phogat, stating, “We are proud of you, Vinesh!”

Under Haryana’s sports policy, gold medalists in the Olympic Games are awarded ₹6 crore, silver medalists receive ₹4 crore, and bronze medalists get ₹2.5 crore.

Vinesh Phogat’s Retirement Announcement

Phogat had advanced to the gold medal match by defeating Cuba’s Yusneylis Guzman Lopez 5-0 in the semi-finals on Tuesday night, and she was set to face Sarah Ann Hildebrandt from the United States. However, on Wednesday, she was disqualified after being found 100 grams overweight during the mandatory weigh-in.

Earlier that day, Phogat announced her retirement from international wrestling, citing a lack of strength to continue. In an emotional message on social media, she wrote: “Mother wrestling won against me, I lost… Your dreams and my courage are shattered. I don’t have any more strength now. Goodbye Wrestling 2001-2024. I will forever be indebted to all of you. Please forgive me.