The step-brother of Indian cricket stars Hardik and Krunal Pandya, Vaibhav Pandya, found himself in legal trouble as Mumbai Police arrested him for allegedly embezzling approximately Rs 4.3 crore from the brothers. The allegations suggest that Vaibhav diverted these funds from their jointly-owned business, causing a significant financial setback to both Hardik and Krunal. Initially, the three had embarked on a business venture in 2021, with an agreed-upon profit-sharing structure where Hardik and Krunal would each receive 40% of the profits, and Vaibhav would be entitled to 20%.
However, instead of adhering to the agreement, Vaibhav purportedly established a separate entity and siphoned off the funds meant for the partnership. Mumbai’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) officials have leveled charges of cheating and forgery against Vaibhav in connection with this incident, following a complaint lodged by Hardik. Concurrently, Hardik has been under the spotlight for his recent appointment as captain of the Mumbai Indians cricket team, a position he assumed after replacing Rohit Sharma.
However, this move hasn’t been received favorably by all fans, leading to some backlash against Hardik. Despite initial challenges, Hardik managed to steer his team to their first victory of the season, showcasing resilience and determination. In the aftermath of the match, Hardik attributed the win to the collective effort and unity within the team, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and unwavering support among the players.
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