After leading India to a T20 World Cup victory, Hardik Pandya shared several adorable photos with his son Agastya on social media. The images captured the duo dressed in casuals, enjoying warm moments together, including Hardik placing his medal around Agastya’s neck and kissing him lovingly. Hardik captioned the post, “My #1! Everything I do, I do for you” with red heart emojis.

Fans Adore Father-Son Duo

Fans flooded the comment section with praise for the father-son duo. One user wrote, “When he grows up, he will know what his father has achieved.” Another commented, “Happy Tears in my eyes after seeing you happy.” A third user added, “The happiest thing we wanted to see”.

Speculation on Natasa Stanković’s Absence

Despite the joyous celebration, many fans noticed the absence of Hardik’s wife, Natasa Stanković, in the pictures. This absence has fueled ongoing rumors about potential issues in their relationship. Several users commented, asking about Natasa’s whereabouts. Comments included, “Where is the mom?” and “So the rumors seem to be true!” Others expressed hope that everything is fine between the couple.

Background on Hardik and Natasa’s Relationship

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stanković got engaged in Dubai on January 1, 2020, and married during the lockdown in an intimate ceremony. They welcomed their son Agastya on July 30, 2020.