After comfortably wrapping up the Test series 1-0, Team India under Rohit Sharma will for another dominant show as they face Shai Hope-led West Indies in a three-match ODI series. This series marks the start of India’s preparation for the World Cup 2023 and Team India will look to get its combination right ahead of the marquee event. Ahead of the first ODI at Kensington Oval, Barbados, JioCinema experts Abhinav Mukund, Aakash Chopra and Saba Karim analyzed Hardik Pandya’s role in the Team India set up. JioCinema expert Abhinav Mukund believes that Pandya should not be relied upon to bowl his full quota of ten overs, “If you get even five or six overs from him then you are getting the job done out of him. We have got five bowlers already in contention. If Jadeja is playing and Hardik Pandya is playing, there are two genuine all-rounders. We shouldn’t think as Hardik Pandya being a front line ten over bowling option.” Aakash Chopra agreed with Mukund and said, “I am viewing him as someone who can give you five to six overs and not consistently giving you ten overs. Well, we will also find out in the three ODIs whether he is actually bowling and if he is bowling, how many overs Rohit Sharma is giving him responsibility to bowl.”
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