The new Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) captain Faf du Plessis shared his thoughts about playing under Mahendra Singh Dhoni for a long time. IPL 2022 will begin with the Chennai Super Kings taking on the Kolkata Knight Riders at the Wankhede Stadium on Saturday. In a video shared on the IPL Twitter account, Faf was seen indulging in the talk about his new team and MS Dhoni, who quit Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captaincy last Thursday, handing over the job to all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja.
“Nice challenge for me, I’m joining the new franchise also captaining a big franchise,” said RCB captain Faf du Plessis. “I was lucky enough to play under MS Dhoni for an extremely long time. So got to see very closely how his brain works. How things operate under him, we got a strong leadership within the group,” said Faf du Plessis in a recent video posted by RCB.
Talking about Virat Kohli, his leadership skills and working with the team, Faf said that he finds himself very lucky as RCB got strong leadership on the side.
“Virat has captained his country for an extremely long time. He’s been a very good leader for Indian cricket and RCB and his experience, the wisdom, and knowledge that comes through that is second to none,” he said praising Kohli.
Royal Challengers Bangalore will play their first match of IPL 2022 against the Punjab Kings on Sunday, at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai. Coming to IPL matches, the games will be played across stadiums in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pune with an audience occupancy rate of 25 per cent as per COVID-19 protocols.
In all, 20 matches each will be held at Wankhede Stadium and DY Patil Stadium, 15 matches each at Brabourne and MCA International Stadium in Pune.